Don't Be An Ass: Why We Set One Goal at a Time
Warning: this post is going to feature some real talk.
Earlier this year I uncovered something pretty confronting: in several
Let's Talk About Our Content Diet
We've all heard the saying, "You are what you eat". What, then, determines who we become?
You Can't Be Desperate and Successful
American screenwriter Jerry Stahl has an amusing (uncomfortably true) saying: "There's no deodorant for desperation".
Start Here: Define "Success"
"If we're going to succeed, or fail, we should do so on our own terms, with our
2021 Reading List
"Today a reader, tomorrow a leader." ~ Margaret Fuller
The end of the year means time to reflect. And
How to Always Win
The year was 1967 and American psychologist Martin Seligman was studying depression.
Over a series of experiments conducted by Seligman
Keeping the Actor's Flame Alive
Third year at drama school is a rollercoaster in the fullest sense: alternately invigorating and overwhelming.
While it may seem
Cold Emails: Celebration is the Key
Cold emails? We're talking about cold emails?
We get it, amigo, we get it.
But let's
Let's Talk About Sexy Email Signatures
Classic Dojo, back at shamelessly stealing from the business world once again…
Bear with us, bear with us. Long-lasting results
Got Lucky?
It was now becoming too good to be true. She was still in her final year at drama school but