2022 Reading List
"Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you." ~ Louis L'Amour
35 books in 2022. A new Dojo record.
We absorbed some proper wisdom this year. How freaking blessed are we to live in a world where we can access such unfathomably brilliant minds?
For those interested, we've put a ⚡️ next to the five we felt changed the game the most. Otherwise, here's our complete list ordered alphabetically (by author's first name) and # tagged by our category (our categories, not the author's).
Full disclosure: as Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase a book via the links below, we get a couple of cents from Amazon (at no extra cost to you). Our thanks in advance for helping keep the Dojo up and running!

Bird by Bird
by Anne Lamott
Atlas Shrugged
by Ayn Rand
The Score Takes Care of Itself
by Bill Walsh ⚡️
How Champions Think
by Bob Rotella ⚡️
The Gifts of Imperfection
by Brené Brown
Deep Work
by Cal Newport
The Three-Body Problem
by Cixin Liu
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
by Dale Carnegie
Smart Women Finish Rich
by David Bach
Can't Hurt Me
by David Goggins
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
by Deepak Chopra
Anything You Want
by Derek Sivers
Manual of Living
by Epictetus
The One Thing
by Gary W. Keller
The Seat of the Soul
by Gary Zukav ⚡️
by Greg McKeown ⚡️
Wooden on Leadership
by John Wooden
by Kurt Vonnegut
The Digital Nomad Handbook
by Lonely Planet
Daily Rituals
by Mason Curry
by Michelle Obama
How Good Do You Want to Be?
by Nick Saban
The Power of Positive Thinking
by Norman Vincent Peale
Four Thousand Weeks
by Oliver Burkeman
Start Where You Are
by Pema Chödrön
Win Forever
by Pete Carroll
The Silk Roads
by Peter Frankopan
Rich Dad Poor Dad
by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Stillness is the Key
by Ryan Holiday
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
by Scott Adams
Letters from a Stoic
by Seneca
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
by Shunryu Suzuki
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
by Sogyal Rinpoche
The Kybalion
by The Three Initiates
Your Money or Your Life
by Vicki Robin ⚡️
Give us a shout if you give any of these a read. We'd love to know how they resonate with y'all 👊🏼